Cookies Policy


Necessary cookies

Necessary cookies are essential and are used to provide you with services available through For instance, these cookies allow Netvibes to remember your choices about cookies preferences, to record your interface customization trackers e.g. for the choice of language used by the website. You have no choice on whether or not to accept these cookies when you visit one of our websites.

activeSessionID Authentification Session or 15 days
activeUserID Authentification Session or 15 days
returnUrl Authentification Session
signin-mail Authentification Session
test_cookie_acceptance Authentification Session
registered Sign up 15 days
newuser Sign up Session or 15 days
lang Intl 15 days
tz Intl 60 days
sawBrowserSuggestion Browser detection 15 days
has_js Browser detection Session
ui Mobile navigation 15 days
PHPSESSSID Third party services login + Security token Session
NvOauth_redirectUri Third party services login Session
oauth_state Third party services login Session
oauth_token Third party services login Session
search Search Tab Session
uid_selectedPage Spring cleaning 24 hours
undoTheme Dashboard customization Session
consent Cookies consent 6 months

Functional cookies

Functional cookies are used to provide you with contents and proposals that correspond to your interactions. These cookies allow us to analyze site usage so we can measure and improve performance.

_ga Google Analytics 15 days
_gaid Google Analytics 15 days
_gat_ Google Analytics 1 minute
_utma Google Analytics 15 days
_utmb Google Analytics 30 minutes
_utmc Google Analytics Session
_utmt_ Google Analytics 10 minutes
_utmv Google Analytics 15 days
_utmz Google Analytics 15 days

For more information on cookies, and to manage parameters, please read our Privacy Policy